STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Denali’s STEM Outreach Program works with local and national partners to encourage more young people to pursue STEM careers, with a particular focus on providing content and services to under-represented and under-served communities. We believe communicating science to the public is important and that more diverse representation is needed in the STEM fields at all levels. Our outreach initiatives aim to inspire children and young adults, stimulate interest in neuroscience research, and help in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the STEM fields.

Person standing in front of a colorful graphic | 3 people working a STEM event
Denali STEM outreach logo

We love sharing our passion for neuroscience as we pursue our goals to develop new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. Our STEM initiatives provide an opportunity for us to give back and to learn from the children and adults we serve.


Why is STEM Outreach important to Denali?

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Collage of Stem Events

Upcoming STEM Events

There are currently no upcoming events. Please check back later for updates.

Past STEM Events

North Bay Discovery Day 2025

Mar 08

Denali's STEM Outreach team will be hosting a booth for the fourth year in a row at the North Bay Discovery Day to teach students and parents alike about the intricacies of the brain and what therapies Denali is developing to help defeat neurodegeneration. The program we are planning will feature a brain microscopy exhibit, a "build a neuron" pipe cleaner activity, the famous "brain hat", and an activity introducing chromatography and engineering principles.

Scientific Adventures for Girls- STEAM-Stravaganza

Jun 15

Denali's STEM Outreach team were proud to host a booth at Scientific Adventures for Girls' End-of-School Year Family STEAM-stravaganza, sharing our 'build a neuron activity' with more than 100 girls and their families. This event celebrated SAfG's 10th year of bringing STEM education to underserved girls throughout the East Bay. Denali has been proud to support SAfG over the past two years, and we look forward to continuing to partner with them in the future.

Girls Inc & Denali Therapeutics Summer Outreach and Field Trips

Jun 21-27

Denali was thrilled to host two field trips for Girls Inc. of Alameda for the third year in a row. During these visits, middle and high school girls learned about the brain, explored how to use a microscope, gained insights into various career paths, and toured Denali HQ to see firsthand how a biotech company operates.

North Bay Discovery Day 2024

Mar 09

Over 20 Denalians volunteered again at the 2024 North Bay Discovery Day, with a program designed to teach kids about the brain and inspire the next generation of young minds of the North Bay to pursue their interests in STEM.

SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference

Oct 25-28

Vanessa Torres (Postdoctoral Scientist, Denali) chaired and co-presented a session entitled “Making the leap from academia to industry? Learn about the holistic industry postdoc experience", as well as participated as a panelist for "'A day in the life of a female scientist across STEM industries". Photo Credit: SACNAS/Lisa Helfert

Girls Inc & Denali Therapeutics Summer Outreach and Field Trips

Jun 27-Jul 10

Denali partnered with Girls Inc. of Alameda on 3 summer events, including hosting 30+ girls on field trips to Denali, as well as presenting lessons on the human brain and Alzheimer’s disease.

May 11

Denalians participated in an honest conversation with graduate students and postdocs about transitioning to biotech and the current job market.

Sonoma State University STEM Event

Apr 15

Denali hosted a booth for Sonoma State University students to learn more about neuroscience and careers in biotech.

Mar 11

Over 20 Denalians volunteered at the 2023 North Bay Discovery Day, where Denali helped kids build a neuron from pipe cleaners, learn more about the brain, and look at real mouse and rat brains under the microscope.

Project Scientist Virtual Lab Tour & Introduction to the Human Brain

Dec 01

Denali Scientists took 30 Project Scientist Girls on a virtual Zoom tour of the Denali labs and answered questions about what it is like to be a woman working in STEM.

Person wearing a brain hat | Person in protective eyewear & lab coat holding human brain

Want to learn more about the human brain?

Build your own Denali brain hat for an introduction